Monday, March 19, 2012



Welcome everyone,

            1. My name is spelled aIzIk and for the aI it’s a double vowel sound using the diphthongs methods. The second letter is z using the linguaalveolar and it is a fricative. Then follows I which is a front vowel and produced with the forward motion of the your tongue. Finally the k, which is a consonant, produced with the tongue contacting the velum.

2.  To help say my name and everyone has a different way and want to say it differently lets start off with the first letter I which is has a double vowel sound which is pronounced by closing your nasal passage and rinsing the back of your tongue and saying [ai], then the S but it will be pronounced with the tip of your tongue touching your front two teeth [z]. You close you nasal passage and let your throat vibrate. The final three letters aac are said together [I][k]. The aac makes the [I] [k] sound by closing the nasals once again and moving the tongue to the front of the ring of your mouth and shortly after moving the back of the tongue to the nasal passage. Finally you have aIzIk.

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