Monday, April 16, 2012


Isaac Rivera
ELL 101. 0971
Attacking the world through peace, and not violence is the only true way one might understand what directions this world is going. When one person speaks to another from two entirely different cultures, will they understand each other? The answer is as clear as a newly made glass window, with some imperfections, but clear to understand. If languages are becoming uniform and universal, that just shows this world is going in the right direction. Many newly formed languages or dialects of the English language are bringing our world closer together. If there were a universal language that one may speak, many would have a better understanding of each other.  In the articles “How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand” by Michael Erard and “From English to Chinglish: The Globalization of Languages,” which was pulled together by different sources, one could realize what direction our world is trying to go in.
The English language is evolving into a unison language that many countries today speak English in conversation. Now these conversations taking place, sound different in nature because other countries outside the United States of America (USA) pronounce it different, but the words and meanings are the same. In both articles they describe something really common as a “Bathroom”. (In the English language bathroom can be expressed so many different ways such as restroom, lavatory, men’s room, ladies room, head, john, facilities, toilet etc…) Well as described in both articles, in China the handicap bathroom is described as “deformed man lavatory.” In the English language this can be taken as political incorrect, but in the Chinese language they didn’t have the word for handicap bathroom so when they came up with the word in English they used what was in their vocabulary and that would be “deformed man lavatory.” Now looking into this the fact is, if one was to look at this sign over a bathroom it would be universal and an English speaking person would clearly understand this. Taking this example and looking forward into our future, one can gather that we are coming to an understanding like never before; an acceptances of each other, which can break the barrier of language to all new heights.
To go in a direction of universal understanding there are affects to the languages. As we do progress into the future and combine and formulate a worldwide language, other languages start to die off.  One example of languages dying off is said in the article “From English to Chinglish: The Globalization of Languages,” about half of the languages have died in the past 500 years, and it is expected in the next 500 years half of the world’s 7,000 languages will die. Latin is considerate a dead language, which the romance languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) are said to originate from. One may think that losing a language might be like losing ones culture, but to better understand what a universal language can do for the world, we must look to India. In India there are more then 400 languages and the official language is Hindi; but “English is thus seen as an ethnically neutral choice to avoid the conquest of one Indian culture over another.” So while India uses English for neutral affairs in political situations when they have an official language, we can see how uniting languages can bring us closer to peace and a better understanding of one another.
Read these articles one can see that language is universal, as we interact with one another: we teach and learn. As time goes by more and more people are coming together, and that is because we can understand and relate to each other. Hello is a universal word that can be translated in every language, and grasp by all. So when we are in the streets of India, China, or America say “hello” to your follow Human.

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  1. My comments:
